Monday, February 2, 2015

Chapter 9 Summary - The Bedford Researcher

Searching for information with print resources is what chapter 9 of The Bedford Researcher, written by Mike Palmquist, is all about. Palmquist goes over using library stacks, library periodicals, and library reference to locate sources you can use in your quest for information. He describes how library stacks, or library book shelves as most of us call them, are a very helpful tool for finding information on a certain subject since they are grouped by subject and you can check out or use interlibrary loan to borrow the material. Another helpful tool Palmquist recommends is using periodicals which are newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, and professional journals. These sources can also be found on Microform which is an easy way for libraries to store periodicals since it's only a miniaturized image of one. Also, when using periodicals look for a works cited page because once you find an article that pertains to your topic it will list others like it. A reference room according to Palmquist contains bibliographies, indexes, biographies, general encyclopedias, specialized encyclopedias, handbooks, almanacs, and atlases; which, he thinks that all of these resources are great but bibliographies and indexes are the most useful tool to use when searching for print information. Palmquist really uses this chapter to highlight that you don't have to use the internet for all of your sources, your local library has an abundance available for you to use.

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